Lastsis - Dasboard

Know Your Customer

You are doing the Tire Storage business. So, what brands of tires do you have in your warehouse, how is their distribution, what are the brands of vehicles your customers use, do you know them?

If you’re thinking about what these will do for you, it’s time to think a little more profit-oriented.

Maybe you can keep a tire stock according to the tire brands that your customers prefer most.
Or, having accessories or spare parts for the vehicles you serve the most can increase your profits.

On the Lastsis Executive Reports main page, you can see many detailed reports such as the Brand Distributions of the Tires in your Tire Warehouse and the Brand Distributions of the Vehicles Served.

Moreover, with a single click, you can view the situations in shortcuts such as today, yesterday, last month, this month or in the date range you want.

Think again, it is up to you to increase your profits!