Lastsis - Bayi, Montaj Noktası, İş Ağı

Business Network / Dealer / Mounting Point Management Process Management

Lastsis continues to add strength with new modules and features.

One of the biggest problems of Tire businesses that manage a Dealer / Assembly Point and a Business Network is the confusion and reconciliation difficulties that arise as a result of communication with these far away businesses, standardization of the services to be provided, and the transmission of current accounts and work orders via e-mail and telephone.

With the new module of Lastsis, Business Network and Dealer Management, it is ensured that a work order is sent to the screen of a remote dealer and that all transactions made in connection with this work order are followed by both the dealer and the business.

Not only Business Network, located at multiple points, Rubber manage storage operations in a single screen and which customers, which means receives services, Turkey able to report that what tire in tire store in general and to follow.

As we always say, with Lastsis, “Everything is under control!”

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